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Applying for Year 7 for September 2025

Choosing a secondary school is an exciting prospect. There are several opportunities to get to know our wonderful school including visiting us for our Open Evening or Open Mornings. You can find all the dates and booking links here:

Please watch our information videos below which give you a sense of our school, the staff, students and facilities.

Click HERE to meet our fantastic staff and see our facilities.

Click HERE to see a snapshot of life at Chiswick School.


A prospectus is available from the school and if you would like one sent to you please contact It is also available to view HERE.

Please click on the links below to view information about our Admissions.

Admissions Policy 2023-24

Admissions Policy 2024-25

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Main Round Appeals Process, Entry 2024/25

The notice of appeal form for entry in September 2024 must be completed by 29th March 2024 for On-Time Appeals to be heard in June. The Appeal form can be requested from and hearing dates will be made available at the beginning of the Summer term. Supporting statements or additional documentation can be submitted with the Appeal form.

Open Mornings & Evening

Please follow the link to get up to date details of our forthcoming open sessions:

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