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Student Leadership

Student Leadership

Student Leadership is an integral part of life at Chiswick School. Here at Chiswick School, we take great pride in driving student leadership across the school and in doing so, we aim to enhance the personal development of our students by facilitating their ability to contribute to the community. Student leadership instils the core fundamental British values of democracy and individual liberty as well as mutual respect and tolerance.

Please click on the expandable sections below to view more information about the different leadership opportunities at our school.

At Chiswick School we believe that our students should be given lots of opportunities to develop their leadership skills. 

Head Girl and Head Boy

The Head Boy and Girl work together to coordinate the student leadership within the 6th form and alongside the lower school. This involves the organising of meetings to discuss fundraising activities, responding to the ideas or concerns of other students, and over the past few months the creation of a Year 13 yearbook.

Elected Form Reps

After being elected by their forms, the reps are able to raise worries and suggestions about how better to improve the 6th form. They have taken a lead on school events as well as improving the quality of teaching and learning.

Head of Fundraising

The fundraising efforts of the 6th form student leadership team have reached upwards of £2,500.

Year Councils provide a forum where representatives from all year groups raise, discuss and propose resolutions to issues which are important to the students they represent.

Students in all years provide the student perspective through the school newsletter ‘Chiswick News’. The group meet weekly to provide insight and information to the school and develop their writing and journalism skills.

Students from all years can be selected to be part of the interview process for all new staff.  They are selected to represent the school community as a student interview panel and are a critical element in the decision to appoint.

Our library leaders support the day-to-day running of the library by taking responsibility for loaning out books, booking computer facilities and organising the collection.

Students in all years will support the provision of their team sport, e.g. Year 7 football captains will support Year 7 football. These students will be selected by the PE department based on effort, results and commitment to the sport.

Year 8 students are available daily to support students with any concerns. Being friendly and approachable and ensuring that students know who they can talk to and what support is available is their key role. The students also support students through transition from Year 6 to Year 7.

Many of our Key Stage 5 students support KS4 students with their Maths. Volunteers are paired up with Year 11 students and help them throughout the year.

Students who are interested in a recognised leadership and skills course while demonstrating energy, self-discipline, commitment and a capacity for teamwork can apply for the Duke of Edinburgh programme. Achieving an award will give students the skills, confidence and view on life that is highly sought after by employers, colleges and universities.