28 Sep 2020

Parent Governor Vacancies

There are currently 2 vacancies for parent governors on the Governing Body of our school.

The Governing Body is a group made up of parents, school staff (including the Headteacher) and people from the local community who, together, oversee the development of the school.  Governors do not manage the school, that is the responsibility of the Headteacher and Leadership Team, but they do help determine the aims and values of the school, the priorities for development, and they help to monitor that the decisions they are making are having the desired effect. 

Governors are not expected to be experts but need to be willing to work as part of a team, read papers, attend meetings and ask constructive and challenging questions. There is free training available and plenty of advice and support, both from the school and from other members of the Governing Body. Parents have invaluable experience to contribute. Although they will reflect their own and their children’s experience, as a Governor they need to be able to consider the interests of all children and families in the school. 

Parents, step-parents and guardians are able to stand for election, nominate other parents and vote in an election for parent governors.

If you would be interested in becoming a Governor and for any reason you are not sure if you are eligible, or if you have any other questions then please ask me, the Clerk to the Governors, Beth Yap:

If you would be interested in standing for this position please send an email to me, Beth Yap, at the email address above by the end of Friday 15th October 2020.

If the nominations are equal to or fewer than the number of vacancies, then the candidates will be declared elected. If there are more candidates than there are vacancies, then an election will be held in the week commencing 19th October 2020.

I hope you will consider standing for this worthwhile and rewarding position.

Beth Yap

Clerk to the Governors

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